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Tax, Accounting & Reporting

Tax, Accounting & Reporting

Riusciamo a garantire un servizio sempre eccellente, modellato sulle necessità di ogni cliente con possibilità di soluzioni multilingua.

Through the use of an advanced IT platform, we are able to guarantee a consistently excellent service, modelled on each client’s needs with multilingual solutions able to meet even the most complex requirements.

In particular we offer assistance with the management of the entire accounting cycle (both analytical and general accounting) or with specific aspects both at our offices and directly in the company through the use of the existing enterprise reporting program (ERP) or making our ERP available remotely, integrated management of IVA reporting requirements, drawing up of financial statements both annual and interim and liquidation, procurement, during up of reports required by head offices of international groups based on international and/or group accounting principles (ITA Gaap, USA Gaap, IAS/IRFS), drawing up of financial due diligence, treasury management, consultancy and assistance in relation to the implementation and management of accounting and management control systems at the client’s premises.

Specific services:

  • Analytical and general accounting
  • Treasury management
  • Statutory compliance
  • Tax compliance
  • Administrative services
  • Drawing up of annual and interim financial statements
  • Monthly and quarterly reporting
  • Consolidated financial statements
  • Tax and accounting due diligence